Episode 5

May 20, 2024


5 - Brave Bára Lapčíková - about soulmates, soulsearching and her mother's suicide

5 - Brave Bára Lapčíková - about soulmates, soulsearching and her mother's suicide
Interview with YOU
5 - Brave Bára Lapčíková - about soulmates, soulsearching and her mother's suicide

May 20 2024 | 00:53:32


Show Notes

Bára Lapčíková has many gifts and is not afraid to use them. Join us in an intriguing conversation about soulmates, soulsearching and losing mothers too early in life.


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Credits for the song used in the outro: Charlotte Bridge - Borders (Steps 2019), https://charlottebridge.com/

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:07] Speaker A: Hello there, fellow humans. Thanks for tuning in today. I'm Jaska Joost and this is interview with you today, not yet with you today with Bara Lapchikova. A fascinating soul that takes care of other souls and not just those of her three sons and husbands. We will hear about their relationship and also about how her mother died when she was very young and what grew out of that experience. Not exactly a very sunny topic, but we will discover the light at the end of the tunnel. So let's go. Hello and welcome to my podcast. Today I have a super precious guest. It's Bara Lapchikova, also known as Baru from the moon path. Welcome. Hello. Thank you for being here. [00:01:07] Speaker B: Thank you for the invitation. And I'm so excited to be here because it's my first podcast in English, so thank you. [00:01:16] Speaker A: Okay, I bet you're not as excited as I am, but okay, first, I will say some things about you. So, Baru is 34 years old. She has been in a relationship with her husband for ten years, even though they are married just for two. And they have three boys. The oldest one is six years old, which, if only this was true, it was. I have the most admiration for Baru because three boys, six years old, is the oldest. Then there is one who is three and one who is one year and a half. So for me, this is very admirable. I only have two boys, and this is enough. Let's say Baru also has a prosperous business that I will talk about in a second. And I made a note, and it's true, I'm a little starstruck because she has quite a following. So. But one of her many gifts is the ability to make people feel at ease. And this works for me. So that's great. So, in short, she is awesome. Absolutely awesome. And you might have noticed that all my guests are awesome, or that I say that they are, but it's not because I just pick awesome people. It's because I believe that everybody's awesome, or at least has the potential to be. So this is a little bit, or I think that this is actually the point of Baru's business. Like, this is like that she makes people believe that they are awesome or find out that they are awesome. And she has various ways to discover the gifts and awesomeness that all of us have and teaches you how to not be afraid to use them and to leave them. So this is how I perceive you, Baru. And if you could tell us more about you and about what you do and everything, please. [00:03:40] Speaker B: Thank you. Thank you for the nice introduction. It made me laugh that you said I have gifts and I'm not afraid to use them. So. Yeah, please, everyone, every one of you has gifts, so don't be afraid to use them. The thing is that sometimes we just don't see it. And it's my. I don't want to say job because it doesn't feel like a job to me, actually. It's like my purpose or. Yeah, purpose, maybe at this time to be the guide on the path to ourselves. And I think that this journey to ourselves, to our inner essence or the core that we actually are, the core of our being, is the most important journey we can ever take. And. Yeah, and I'm glad that I can guide people who are. Who have calling to work with me on this journey. So that's basically the essence of my business. [00:05:03] Speaker A: No, I also wanted to say that you yourself have the gift to guide people because from my experience, I had, as you say, a calling or whatever to find out more about what is it that I can do. I still had this. I don't know, what could it be? I did some, like, traditional coaching or, you know, the icky guy. What are you good at? And what people say about you. But still, this was so specific. But then, yeah, I contacted Baru and now I know. Now I know everything. So she. She has this. This magical ways or not only magical, I think it's all based on the research or anyway, on stuff that in any case, work. So that's for me. So that's awesome. But tell us a little bit, because I always have to giggle when I hear about your whole career path. Okay, so tell us, how did you start? [00:06:03] Speaker B: Okay, well, originally I studied journalism and political science. You know, I went to high school where was like, the education was really. I would say it like it was about everything. But you didn't know nothing. In Czech we have this gymnasium, right? So college. So it was clear that I would go to the uni and I wanted to be a journalist, right? And I chose the Masarik university in Brno. And you can study journalism only with something else. So I picked political science because I really liked history, especially the latest history, you know, the 20th century. Well, then I realized that journalism isn't for me and I sticked with political science. So I did my masters in political science. But at the end of the. Of my studies, I realized that I really don't like politics. Yeah, it was like. But, you know, during my studies, I was looking for some serious job, right? Because I did like, a lot of, like, I was a waitress. I played saxophone on street. I was a nude model for drawing, drawing classes, and so on, so on. And when I looked at the jobs advertisement, I was thinking, like, oh, it looks like there's a lot of money in it, but I can't do anything with it. I don't know. It was just a thought. And some time later, I found this job offer. It was for internship in one open source company, and because then I was a huge. I mean, I'm still a huge fan of open source software. So I was like, wow, I want to go there. And they hired me to my big surprise, because after the interview, I was like, there's no way they can. They could hire me because, you know, my English back then was really, really poor, I would say, or, you know, wasn't really good, and it was all in English, and I was then writing a technical documentation for software in English. So actually, the reason I can. I can, you know, do this podcast with you in English is my job there. [00:09:08] Speaker A: So. [00:09:09] Speaker B: So, yeah, I was hired as an intern, and then I worked there for, well, ten years, actually. But five years from those ten years, I was on a parent or maternity. [00:09:20] Speaker A: Leave with your ten children. Surprised. [00:09:24] Speaker B: Three. Just three children. [00:09:27] Speaker A: I'm just, you know, rounding the numbers up. [00:09:31] Speaker B: Yeah. So, yeah. But after my, like, first, when my first son was born, I realized that I really want to do something different. And I was called to start women's circles here, to facilitate women's circles here in our small village or sitting next to us. And I did that. And then I was thinking how I could bring more money to the table so I could. I didn't have to go back to the work I was doing, because actually, before I went to the first maternity leave, I was pretty burned out, or at least really close to actual burning out. So it was like my escape strategy to get pregnant. I mean, we wanted kids, but it was like, okay, so we bought a house, we bought a property. Let's do it now. And after one month, I was pregnant. So it was really. It worked. It worked out. [00:10:52] Speaker A: Good planning. It's. It's interesting because I feel like there's many women who feel that way. Like, after you become a mom, there is like, such as a switch or a twist in the head or somewhere else in the, you know, wherever you want to believe it is that I know that someday they just. I can't go back there and do this, that, you know, until then, it made sense. But then out of the blue, it doesn't make sense. I don't want to do it. I want to do something that, I mean, this is how it was for me. I want to do something more that it makes sense to me. It doesn't have to be big or, you know, like saving the world, but something that really. That it makes sense and not the nonsense that I've been doing until then. So that's something that motherhood can bring. I think everybody should know before having kids, but. Or they should study only after having kids, you know, that's another option. It's a bit complicated. Okay. And so let's get to your relationships. So your husband, it sounds that. Well, for me, as I said earlier before we started recording, it seems to me that the two of you are like match made in heaven or soulmate, because as I hear you talk, he supports you a lot in all your endeavors. So how did you meet him and how did he support you during your wild career changes? [00:12:28] Speaker B: His career changes are also wild. [00:12:31] Speaker A: Okay, so that's good. That's good. But it's great. If you have somebody who can relate to it, then, I mean, it's the best, right? [00:12:38] Speaker B: Well, it's funny because I never thought we will end up together. I've known him for, I don't know. I know we are around the same age. He's two years older than me and we went together to a music school. Actually, I played the recorder. Well, the first I played recorder and he as well. And then we were in the same, you know, like, group of friends. But I never thought about him. Like, wow, he's so. I want him or, you know, I want to date him or something like that. And he had a serious relationship with one of our friends and I had serious relationships. And then, you know, I was single. He was single after eight years or so. And I remember the moment we were at a party at our friend's house and I was looking at him and I was like, wow, he's really handsome. I was a little bit drunk, but still I was like, it was like for the first time I saw him, like, you know, in this new light or something like that. Before that, he was just a friend and a boyfriend of my friend. So it was like nothing like that. And. [00:14:09] Speaker A: Okay, yeah, but were you, maybe you were ovulated on the day. [00:14:15] Speaker B: I don't know, but it could be possible. Not a good thing that it lasts. [00:14:24] Speaker A: I mean, we are the wisest when we are ovulating sometimes, but sometimes not also, but okay, so. And when you, when you did, you know, your career changes. So you. You never had any arguments about that or. [00:14:40] Speaker B: No. No, it's. I mean, he was always supporting, supporting. And because, you know, I'm always support. I always support him. He was. When we started to be together, he was a truck driver. Then we moved here to our homestead, and he was like, oh, I. I was thinking I would like to work in forests, like to be a lumberjack. And I said, sure, go ahead. If you want this, go ahead. And it's the same, you know, it's the same from him. Like, okay, wanna do that? Go for it. I support you. And because, you know, I think when you want to do something that's from your heart and the other person can see it, like, can, you know, can sense it, there's no other answer than yes. Go for it, at least. Yeah. [00:15:45] Speaker A: I don't think it's always like this, but I think that, you know, as you said it, like, I also support him. You don't even think about it. And then he reacts the same way. I mean, it's. Sometimes people complain, oh, he doesn't support me at all. Then you find out, but you don't support him either. You know, that it kind of mirrors the behavior. Well, that's great. I mean, it really sounds like I was right. You are a match made in heaven. So ovulation or not. [00:16:18] Speaker B: It's not that we don't argue sometime. The thing is that, well, we don't have, like, really serious arguments. And I think that the core of it is that we value each other, right? That we care about each other. I think that the most common problem with relationships is that we stop caring about the other one. We stop, you know, because, I mean, it can be like, I have a life, he has a life, and we just, you know, grow apart. And also with the kids, it can be really tricky. But we always knew that we are on the same team. You know, it's like, okay, we have kids now, but they grow old, and they will move, and they won't be around together, but we, too. Well, the plan is we will be together. I mean, it can happen anything, but, you know, we will grow all together. And I'm actually looking forward to that. [00:17:33] Speaker A: You have a long way to grow. You are young. [00:17:35] Speaker B: I know, I know. But, you know, it's like, I can, if I compare this relationship with my other relationships. I think that the main ingredient, which is different, is that we are transforming together. [00:17:56] Speaker A: You know, like, you are growing together, so that's good, because, I mean, I also see that many people actually after having kids, you know, they cannot carry on. They split because as soon as. Because, yeah, with kids, things start being different and harder. Yeah. You know, it. I don't have to tell you that. And, and then, and only then you really basically discover the other person is. Is what I. And I was lucky too, with my husband because I see that some people, I have friends and, and the guys, they just leave when the baby is six months old. You know, I cannot, of course, fat on that because I'm a woman. I think for me it wouldn't be possible. But, you know, so I'm lucky. My husband is a decent man, so he wouldn't do that. But still, after the children were born, only then you discover how you get along, how you are able to share things. Because before, I mean, I don't mind doing everything myself because it's easy. But then you have a baby or three, and then, you know, if you find yourself alone, it's tricky. So it's really great that for you, it works this way, that you actually really, you grow together, as you say, like from children to adults. It's lovely. So that's a very good, so what do you think makes you a good couple? Like, beside the things that you, you mentioned, even though I think you summed it up nicely. But is there anything else? Like, if, you know, if you were, if you were a little Baru or a teenage Baru, what would you tell her? Like, look for this in a man so that you would be happy. What would it be? [00:19:53] Speaker B: Before I met him, or. I mean, we knew each other, but before we started to dating, to date, I always had this problem that I got bored in those relationships and I really thought that I'm a bad person or there's something wrong with me. And I told him this at the beginning and he told me, well, maybe you just haven't met the right guy. And I was like, maybe. And the truth is that I, I think I will never get bored with him. You know, it's like we have this, the same sense of humor. We laugh a lot. And this also actually is a good remedy for all those arguments. Well, if we would have more of them, but yeah, the humor. And I think, you know, every relationship can be either really, really great. Oh, maybe, okay, maybe not every relationship, but even if you have a, like, medical relationship, you can have, you can make it really, really great if you focus on the relationship and on the other person and what you love about the other person, you know, because we all know that where the, where the energy goes, it grows, right. If I will have all the time in my head, like, don't like this about him, and I don't. I don't like that. Okay, well, so what's the point? But you can really support the relationship by really taking care of it. And this is something that we. I would say both. Both of us do. And. Well, and also, I think that the sex should be great. I'll be honest with you. I really think that you can find a lot about the relationship. I mean, I don't know. It works for us, and for us, it's like our reconnection, you know, sometimes when it's hard to get intimate, know, for some time because of the kids and everything. So I can feel or sense. We both can sense the tension between us, you know, but after this, like, it's like all the energies are reconnecting again, and we are the couple. Or, I mean, not that we weren't couple before, but we are now, you know, together again. So I think that maybe the problem, not only the one problem, I mean, the problem that happens after you have kids, you don't have time for this intimacy. And it doesn't have to be sex. You know, it could be just, you know, let's cuddle and watch some movies. But do this. Do. Do little dates even though you have small kids, just, you know, it could be a movie night together. [00:23:20] Speaker A: Yeah. I think that for the intimacy or sex, it's because some people just think of it as this physical thing that you just get the steam off or whatever. But in fact, it really has impact also on the, you know, the spiritual and, like, mind level, because you. It is. I mean, it's a literal connection. Right? Like, if we don't stay at the cuddle, Netflix and chill. It is a literal connection. And. Yeah, it's at multiple levels. That's. It is important, for sure. I mean, of course you can have couples who are happy without it, and it's all fine. Everything is fine as long as it's good for both. And I liked what you said about the. I think it's very important that both still care about the relationship. It doesn't work if you do everything and the other person just lets you do it, and that's it. So your relationship warms my heart. It's nice. It's also lovely. It's really lovely for the boys because, of course, they learn by example. And if they have this, we have at least another three nice relationships in the doing, like, for them and their future partners. So that's great. [00:24:35] Speaker B: Thank you. [00:24:37] Speaker A: Yeah. Thank you. You are giving this to the world. So thank you. This is lovely. And yeah, I want to, I mean, I want to and I don't want to because we have some, something in common which is experience we have in common which is not the best. And it's very transformational as you mentioned it several times in your videos that I saw because we both lost our mothers at like, it's, I was 16 when my mother died. How old was yours? [00:25:16] Speaker B: 1616. [00:25:18] Speaker A: So, I mean it's the, I think there is, there is no good, I mean, I also see I have colleagues and friends who still have their moms, you know, and when they die, they are devastated still, you know, and so there's no good age to lose mom. But I think that the younger you do or even for us, I think as teenagers it's tough. So I wanted to open the topic. So because I know that you are very open about it, I've also talked about, about it before and I think it's a topic that is not much talked about and that we both have a lot of things to say even though it's a bit hard, but. So do you want to tell the story about your mom? [00:26:08] Speaker B: Sure. As I said, I'm really open about it. And actually when I was 16, my mom committed suicide because she was really, I would say she was depressed, she was sad. Her relationship with my step dad wasn't really great. And also I think that there's something in our greenhouse or that the suicide is the, is the team for some of my, for some of my ancestor, like female ancestor, my mother's mother's side. And I was, I mean, of course I was devastated, I was sad, I was lost. But now I can see it as a gift because it helped me so much on my own journey to myself because it was this, like, you know, I don't want to really use wake up call because that's used for some illness or this kind of stuff. But it was this starting point for me to go inside because, you know, and you probably know it, you can either be devastated and be in the victim mentality all your life. Like, you know, my mom died, died and that's the reason, blah, blah, blah. And I mean it's, I honor every, everyone's journey. So if you are in this stage, I will in there too. And sometimes, sometimes I go there as well. So I don't want this to sound like, you know, harsh, but I think it benefits us. Like we don't do it for anyone else. We do it for ourselves to not be in this victim stage. So actually, shamans, they talked about the say or sacred, you know, wound. Wound. Yeah. I think that for me, this. What happened was sacred wound for me. And I know that I will always, you know, have some work around it. To do some work around it. I'm not saying it's, like, all healed, but it. I actually think that I wouldn't be the same person if it wouldn't happened. And maybe. Maybe yes, maybe not. We don't know because we will never know. [00:29:07] Speaker A: It is what I was about to say. [00:29:11] Speaker B: Yeah. What I want to say is that shit happens and it's up to us. What do we take from it? And that's actually what I teach in my program or, you know, during the. During coaching. Or, you know, that every transformation, every hard situation, every situation that hurts, there's always a gem waiting for you. And I think it's better to find the gem than have it, like, you know, a huge stone in your backpack that you are carrying through the world, so. Or on your journey. So. Yeah. [00:29:59] Speaker A: Yeah. It's because, you know, I've. I've been through the same. My mom, she didn't kill herself, but I always sort of perceived it that way. I mean, she, like, she had multiple heart attacks, but she kept smoking and drinking, you know, and so for me, I. You know, when you talk about the stages of grief and. Or processing this kind of stuff, I remember, like, first, as you say, I was, like, in the black hole and lost because, I mean, there was zero support from anybody. My father just, you know how he announced it to me? He left the letter from the hospital on the table, and this is how I found out. This is like, this was the supported in my family. So. So I was really absolutely like. But it was when you say, wake up, callie, I was like, the. Rather the throw into the reality because that since then, everything completely changed. And so, like, then when I started processing it, my first feeling, and for, I would say, quite long, was, like, to blame, like, sort of myself, which. Which. Which is, I think, a reaction which is not so strange. And also her. For a long time, I blamed her. How could you have left me here? And so when I heard you talking about it, I thought, how must have she felt, you know, if the mom did it really voluntarily like that. Did you also feel that way? Like, the kind of blaming her? Yeah. [00:31:41] Speaker B: Well, yes, but more what I felt was guilt because I was the last person to see her. And, you know, also, like the rest of family, they didn't really blame me, but that they said something which I could, you know, which could be for me, like, oh, yeah, you, you know, the blame on you. But I knew how sad he was. I mean, I knew how depressed, sorry she was. And I really. The. My first, actually, my first question was, like, did she. Did she even love me? That she can lift me here and my brother as well? But I realized that sometimes, you know, even though you have kids, you are so depressed and low that it's the only way out you can see. And this I felt from actually the beginning, I mean, like, from. From the start it happened. So, yeah, I was actually thinking, like, when the anger would come and I thought, maybe I'm hiding it or maybe I know I should. I should felt this. I should felt anger, but I mean, I felt it maybe for moment, but it wasn't really, like I was really angry with my mom because, you know, I actually, I think I knew that she wouldn't do it without, like, a proper reason, like, without feeling really, really bad, because I actually had a really great relationship with my mom. She was like a friend to me and. Yeah, and I. And I knew the whole story and the background. And I thought, well, I. I mean, I was actually thinking, if this is like, that you can kill yourself, is. If. Is it that you. You are so strong or you are so weak? Right? [00:34:13] Speaker A: Yeah. [00:34:15] Speaker B: So I don't know. [00:34:16] Speaker A: Yeah. Well, for me, I perceive it, like, rather as a. As a weakness. But of course, it's. It's easy to judge when you're not in this situation, because for me, I, like, first I was really guilty also, but I was really in the state of blaming her. How could you? And then when I had kids, at first I thought even more, how could you? Once I had my own kids, I thought I could never. But then with time, I thought how bad it must have been, how horribly she must have felt if really she could let go of this like that. It must have been really awful for her here if she could sacrifice the well being of her kids like this. So I feel much more now with all the work that I did and with the help of the conscience workers or light workers like you, I concluded this. Like, I have a lot of empathy, like, and sympathy for how horrible it must have been for her if this was the solution. Like, the only solution that she saw. And I wanted to see, or I wanted to say, for all the moms out there, like, if you feel like if you even. If you even have one thought about doing it and you have kids, or even if you don't have kids, you don't have to be a mom. And you think about doing this, go and ask for help. I mean, there's nothing to lose. You can always do it later if it doesn't help, just, you know, I think it's worth it because there are so many things to see. I always feel so most of the time when I miss my mom, my kids, they ask because my little one, he doesn't quite understand it. So where is your mom? She already died. And then the bigger one says, oh, do you miss your mom? Do you miss, you are such a poor thing. Yeah, I miss my mom. And then when I say, yeah, well, it's such a shame she cannot see them, you know, she would really love them, of course. But as you say, I feel, I mean, that if it didn't happen, I would be a completely different person. So I suppose it was bound to happen somehow. And I wanted to say one more thing is, like, I, you know, after my mother died and then I had boyfriends and all their moms absolutely loved me, like, you know, so as soon as they found out that I'm, like, half orphaned, so, like, do you have to do this for Yana? And that for Yana? And they made me food, you know, and all this, and I thought, okay, cool. And. And again, only after I had my own kids, I completely understood. You know, like, once I hear that somebody's mom died, it's a poor baby. Like, there's only one mom. Yeah. [00:37:24] Speaker B: You know, I think what really helped me is I really believe in reincarnation. I really believe in past lives. It just makes sense to me, and that's maybe what would help me to get through this. Like, I know I will meet her again, and I know there's maybe some, you know, agreements between us, and aside, as I was working with my own past lives, I know that I did some pretty nasty things as well. And I like to think about this reality as a computer game, as a virtual reality that is so great. Before God, we are in it. And, of course, I don't have any evidence. I don't have any proofs. I don't have any hard data. But, I mean, I think, well, I really think this is a virtual reality we are in, and the life that really is the true one is somewhere else. But that doesn't mean that this game isn't tough sometimes or doesn't hurt. It's not about, we are here. We are here at earth in a body important as well. Like, I don't want to, you know, sometimes people are, like, spiritually bypassing. Bypassing emotions and so on, so on. But, yeah, I just wanted to share this because I think that's the. Not the only, like, the one thing that helped me, but one of many things that helped me to look at it. Like, you know, if we see everything as an opportunity to grow and everything, like, you know, from the perspective of our souls, which I believe are immortal and gathering experiences, then it's not that hard, you know, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't hurt the little Baru, you know, the. The little one, the human in. Yeah, in us. [00:39:54] Speaker A: So some people believe that, like, that when we are the souls, the immortal souls, and then we decide, we choose to come here, we. We do it with an intention like that. Yeah, it was actually my decision. I'm not powerless. I decided to be born here like this, to go through all the suffering that it was my choice and I had my reasons for that. This also kind of helps like that, you know, I'm not helpless. That's another thing. And, well, yeah, I think that, yeah, various beliefs are helpful in these. In these things. And do you think your mom came back yet? [00:40:42] Speaker B: I'm not sure. I don't know. [00:40:45] Speaker A: It's because in our case, my mother died and I think the year after my niece was born, my brother's first daughter, you know, so, you know, and she's cool also. She's awesome. Of course, it could be my mom 2.0, you know, learning from the experience, and so that's cool. That could be cool. Yeah. And what I wanted also to say, you know, for the children who may be or children, teenagers, whoever is in the same situation as we were once, also seek help. Or, you know, if you feel alone, don't hesitate to talk about it because I also found, you know, when it happened, people didn't know how to talk to me about it. Like the friends, of course you have sick, you have teenagers. What do they know, you know, how to react in such situation. And it was hard, but I believe nowadays it's completely different situation that it was, you know, this all these many years ago in what was it, nineties in my case. So there is help for sure. And also, like, don't give up because you see, you will. You will gain from it in the end and you will be awesome, just like Baru and I. So, you know, there is light at the end of the tunnel always. [00:42:22] Speaker B: Yeah. I wanted to say, I mean, I agree. I have the same experience that people just didn't know how to talk to me. And I don't blame them. I mean, I can understand. And the one person that really helped me was a friend of mine. His dad died a year before my mom. So he knew. Like, he really knew. And he couldn't. I mean, he didn't really have to. We didn't really talk about it. We didn't have to. We just knew, you know? So, yeah, that's what I wanted to say. And also I wanted to say, I know it's a cliche that, you know, time will heal every. Everything, but I know it's true. I know it's true. And right now I'm like. Because I'm 34, so. And my mom died when I was 16, so now I'm more years without my mom. I was with her. [00:43:33] Speaker A: I'm even more than you then. [00:43:38] Speaker B: And, you know, to me, it's. Sometimes it feels like a completely different life. And it's not really, like, just this, you know, like, when I was working in it, it's a different life. And, you know, that's a transformation. And we are actually dying and, you know, reverting all the time, like, our old identities. And if I circle this back to what we were talking about, relationships, I think it's really important for both the person in that relationship, people in that relationship, to transforming together, grow together. If someone is left behind and the other one outgrows. Yeah, the other one, it's. Well, it could be problem. [00:44:29] Speaker A: Yeah, I know it can be problematic. And, you know, funnily enough, who helped me, but the most. Sorry at that time was even funny to say because my father, as I discovered later, because I didn't know then I was a child, right. He was having an affair, like years, you know, before my mom died. And she knew all along anyway, and. But then. So the lady that he was, you know, cheating on my mom with was the one that really helped me a lot afterwards. Like, she was the only one who saw that. I mean, of course, I. Not. Okay. You know, and she. Because my father, he just, like, expected me to just now do the mom's job, and that was it. You know, he never thought about maybe she has feelings. Hello? No. So. But the lady being mom herself also, she understood and she was. She was very kind. So, you know, it's also kind of paradoxical that you then the person you should hate, actually is the one that offers you a lot of help. [00:45:41] Speaker B: That's the beauty of life, you know? [00:45:44] Speaker A: Yeah. Yeah, you. There are some. So if you think that when I look back now, I find it serious, so paradoxical that it's funny if you think of it, you know, like, how. How you wouldn't think of it. So. Okay, so do you have any positive. Something positive to say at the end? While you said many positive things already, but something end up on a. I do. [00:46:08] Speaker B: I do. I actually think that this life is as a reward for me. I mean, now what I live now, the relationships I have, like, with my. With my husband and with my sons and where we live and what I can do for living, actually. You know, like, it's. Wow. And I really see my life that I have it as a reward for my, you know, some work I did before. And I think. Well, I. What I'm saying is, like, why I'm saying that is that, you know, you can feel like. Well, I wouldn't. I wouldn't say that when my mom died, right? That this life is for a reward. No way. But now I really feel it is. And I really like looking at, you know, things that happen in my life as they are happening for me. Not that they are happening to me, but they are happening for me, even though I can't really see it now, even though I'm really. You know, at that moment, I could be, like. I could. Felt awful. I could feel. I could feel sad, depressed. I could feel anger. You know, still, it's really helping me to see it. Like, okay, how possibly this could be a gift, and you. I just want one thought, and you don't have to see it right away. I don't think you really. I don't think you're supposed to see it right away. I think that it's really important to honor the emotions and to honor your journey and to honor, like, you know, everything which come to surface when you are in such transformational moments of your life. But still, I believe somehow it's happening for us and not to us. [00:48:22] Speaker A: I didn't say this, but Baru is, like, the gratitude guru also, because. Yeah, I mean, gratitude is a great exercise, and I always loved it. Like, your 6th phase medic, the version that you recorded, the 6th phase meditation, is, like, really life changing for me. Like, really to learn to be grateful for things that are in my life. It's like. It's really a muscle that you can train, and then it changes everything so much. And the thing that you said that you believe things are happening for you and not to you, this is also something that stuck to me because I've heard you saying it before. And I really apply it now to even the smallest things, you know, like, I don't know, like, the everyday things, like, I cannot find now the jacket that I wanted to wear. So I don't think, ah, stupid, stupid, stupid. It doesn't work as I want. I want the jacket. Then I think, nah, the universe wants me to wear another jacket. And then, you know, it rains and the one that I was looking for isn't waterproof, you know? And if you believe all this, then everything is easier. Yeah. There is a reason why this is happening. I don't know what yet, but it's better. It, like, makes you feel more at ease even for this little, you know, you don't have to worry about stupid jacket. You should be careful. You have two. [00:49:53] Speaker B: Nice. I just wanted to say that the six face meditation is originally from Vishen Lakyani. Yeah. Because I'm a mindfully certified life coach, I can teach it. So, you know, it's not mine meditation, actually, but I did the tech version, so. [00:50:13] Speaker A: Because I've seen also other versions, you know, I then googled it on YouTube and there are others, but yours is the best. [00:50:20] Speaker B: Thank you. [00:50:22] Speaker A: Say what you will, but for me, yours is the best. Okay. So that, I think, is maybe a good finish for our not so super happy but still positive episode. Thank you very much, Baru, for coming. It was very, very nice to have you and a lot of inspiration, as always, and keep on going with your successful relationship and with your successful business. Thank you very much for doing everything for us and see you maybe next time. Thank you very much. [00:51:00] Speaker B: Thank you for having me. It was a pleasure. Thank you for my premiere podcast in English. [00:51:06] Speaker A: Our universe wanted you to be here. So thanks so much. See you. Bye bye. So that went well. Thanks for joining us today in interview with you. I hope you enjoyed the time as much as we did and that it brought something positive to your day and to your life. Don't forget to get in touch if you want to be my next guest or if you have anything else you want to share with me. The contact details are in the description of the episode and or in the description of the podcast. But if you're lazy or you have rather audio memory, my email address is jaskayost without any space and spelled with j's. That is [email protected]. I'm also on Facebook under Jaskayost. I look forward to hearing from you and to possibly having the next interview with you. [00:52:41] Speaker C: Something of life waiting when it's all going to matter some are dropping dead some are trying to fight the time some will always stay dreaming and you and I, you and I.

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